Learn 12 useful Russian phrases when having a party!

Russians LOVE to party and they know how to! Want to join in the fun? Learn how to invite, accept the invitation to a party and say what an amazing time you’re having.
1.Russians love English, they’ve adopted lots of English words, and патиis one of them. So you can simply say:
У нас пати.
[U nas party.]
We are having a party.
2.Alternatively, if you want to invite somebody to your house, you can say:
Приходите в гости.
[Preehahdeeteh v gosti]
Come visit/pay a visit.
3.You certainly don't want to miss out on a Russian party, so you may respond with the following:
Конечно, прийду!
[Kahnyeshnah pridoo]
Of course, I'll come!
4.It's not good to show up empty-handed so you can ask:
Что мне принести?
[Shto mnye prinyestee?]
What shall I bring?
Don't you worry, you won't be misunderstood. And even if the party host refuses to answer this question, bring some chocolates or biscuits for the tea.
All Russians love tea drinking ceremonies!
5. If by now you know the word вечер(viecher)/evening, you can easily learn the word вечеринка/partyand complement the party by saying:
Какая классная вечеринка!
[Kahkahya klahsnaya vyechereenka!]
What a cool party!
6. Of course, a special occasion or celebration calls for a good Tост[tost] (toast). Interestingly, word тост actually came into Russian from English, and it means the same thing – saluting a person or an occasion with a toast.
Ваше здоровье!
[Vahshe zdahrovye]
Your health!/ Let's drink for you health.
Russians love to make long toasts, they love a speech rather than a short statement.
But in most of the occasions it ends up with the most popular Russian phrase:
На здоровье!
[Na zdorоvye]
For good health!
7. Do you want to salute your company or guest? Just say:
За вас!
[Zah vahs!]
To you!
You can say за/za + anything or anyone you want to toast!
8. And to wish somebody a good time say:
Отлично повеселиться!
[Ahtleechnah pahvyesyeleetsah]
Have a great fun! Russians LOVE to party and they know how to! Want to join in the fun? Learn how to invite, accept the invitation to a party and say what an amazing time you’re having.
1.Russians love English, they’ve adopted lots of English words, and патиis one of them. So you can simply say:
У нас пати.
[U nas party.]
We are having a party.
2.Alternatively, if you want to invite somebody to your house, you can say:
Приходите в гости.
[Preehahdeeteh v gosti]
Come visit/pay a visit.
3.You certainly don't want to miss out on a Russian party, so you may respond with the following:
Конечно, прийду!
[Kahnyeshnah pridoo]
Of course, I'll come!
4.It's not good to show up empty-handed so you can ask:
Что мне принести?
[Shto mnye prinyestee?]
What shall I bring?
Don't you worry, you won't be misunderstood. And even if the party host refuses to answer this question, bring some chocolates or biscuits for the tea.
All Russians love tea drinking ceremonies!
5. If by now you know the word вечер(viecher)/evening, you can easily learn the word вечеринка/partyand complement the party by saying:
Какая классная вечеринка!
[Kahkahya klahsnaya vyechereenka!]
What a cool party!
6. Of course, a special occasion or celebration calls for a good Tост[tost] (toast). Interestingly, word тост actually came into Russian from English, and it means the same thing – saluting a person or an occasion with a toast.
Ваше здоровье!
[Vahshe zdahrovye]
Your health!/ Let's drink for you health.
Russians love to make long toasts, they love a speech rather than a short statement.
But in most of the occasions it ends up with the most popular Russian phrase:
На здоровье!
[Na zdorоvye]
For good health!
7. Do you want to salute your company or guest? Just say:
За вас!
[Zah vahs!]
To you!
You can say за/za + anything or anyone you want to toast!
8. And to wish somebody a good time say:
Отлично повеселиться!
[Ahtleechnah pahvyesyeleetsah]
Have a great fun!1.Russians love English, they’ve adopted lots of English words, and патиis one of them. So you can simply say:
У нас пати.
[U nas party.]
We are having a party.
2.Alternatively, if you want to invite somebody to your house, you can say:
Приходите в гости.
[Preehahdeeteh v gosti]
Come visit/pay a visit.
3.You certainly don't want to miss out on a Russian party, so you may respond with the following:
Конечно, прийду!
[Kahnyeshnah pridoo]
Of course, I'll come!
4.It's not good to show up empty-handed so you can ask:
Что мне принести?
[Shto mnye prinyestee?]
What shall I bring?
Don't you worry, you won't be misunderstood. And even if the party host refuses to answer this question, bring some chocolates or biscuits for the tea.
All Russians love tea drinking ceremonies!
5. If by now you know the word вечер(viecher)/evening, you can easily learn the word вечеринка/partyand complement the party by saying:
Какая классная вечеринка!
[Kahkahya klahsnaya vyechereenka!]
What a cool party!
6. Of course, a special occasion or celebration calls for a good Tост[tost] (toast). Interestingly, word тост actually came into Russian from English, and it means the same thing – saluting a person or an occasion with a toast.
Ваше здоровье!
[Vahshe zdahrovye]
Your health!/ Let's drink for you health.
Russians love to make long toasts, they love a speech rather than a short statement.
But in most of the occasions it ends up with the most popular Russian phrase:
На здоровье!
[Na zdorоvye]
For good health!
7. Do you want to salute your company or guest? Just say:
За вас!
[Zah vahs!]
To you!
You can say за/za + anything or anyone you want to toast!
8. And to wish somebody a good time say:
Отлично повеселиться!
[Ahtleechnah pahvyesyeleetsah]
Have a great fun!